Cruz Stanfill Announced as Factory Driver
CK Designs is proud to announce that they have signed Cruz Stanfill as their Official Quarter Midget Driver for 2017! Cruz is an Indiana born native and son to Bryan & Laura Stanfill of Danville, IN. Bryan and CK Designs owner Clay Klepper, have been friends ever since they raced micro-midgets together back in California in the early 90's. "I've been friends with Bryan for quite some time but that's not really the reason I'm supporting Cruz. This kids got the look, the attitude, and the energy to stand on the hammer and that's what I'm banking on," said Klepper. CK Designs has a few new products slated to debut in 2017 for the Quarter Midget/Karting market and Cruz can help promote it on-track. When asked what Cruz thought of the CK Designs product line he said "It's good, buy something and leave me alone." Klepper loves the enthusiasm in the spirited 5yr old. "Cruz has virtually no experience racing and hardly talks to anyone but his parents, but my gut tells me he'll put it in victory lane (or the fence) before the seasons out and either option is fine by me," said Klepper. Look for the #25 at a Quarter Midget track near you in 2017 and wish Cruz the best of luck!